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Su Kwan in Huntsville

While in AL the boyfriends family held a Su Kwan. A Su Kwan is a traditional ceremony that involves tying holy cotton threads to ensure blessings of the spirits on specific persons, activities or places.

The centerpiece which is usually decorated with a flower arrangement holds the holy cotton threads. Once the candle is lit the scripture is chanted. Guests clasp their hands together and can chant as well. I am not familiar with the chanting so I listen. The cooked chicken is believed to ensure sufficient food to eat. There is also holy water. The flowers used often have meanings and symbols. It can mean love, longevity, and brilliance. 

The cotton thread is used to tie on guests. The knot in the thread is believed to tie the guests souls to their bodies. While the other people are tying these threads they offer good wishes like health, long life, prosperity and happiness. These holy threads must stay on for three days and cannot be cut.

This ceremony can also be used for births and marriages and also entering the monkhood, departing, returning, beginning a new year, and welcoming.

This ceremony used for marriage is very special. Marriages are thought to be destined (Love Karma). In the heavenly garden each is thought to have a tree that the branches are connected to their life partner. As the trees move to earth as human beings they are separated by "wind of scissors". On earth they search for their soul mates. Once they find one another the ceremony with the cotton thread rejoins them. The cotton thread must also stay on for three days and if they do not fall off the couple/marriage is fortunate and lucky.


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