We got to hang out with the fun Washburn family this past Sunday. Are they not a beautiful family?! The littlest Lia is full of personality in these photos and it has been fun capturing this beautiful family. We love when we get to spend time with this family and getting the chance to catch up with them. Haylee came along and got to spend time with her friend Lia. She greeted Lia by running towards her and giving her a big hug. They adore each other so much and it was cute watching them jumping together and making silly faces in between pictures. After the session we had dinner at Sabaidee Thai for some good Thai food and really enjoyed catching up. My favorite spending time with the girls at Starbucks and Target with warm coco and Christmas shopping! Thanks for letting us spend time with ya'll!! These photos are so timeless and something they will have forever to look back on! And it will be so fun to look back at these! The light was amazing during this evening ses...