My husband and brother worked on Haylee's nursery. Forget the mess! We have a couple of weeks before we can move out the spare bedroom bed and dresser out to our new shed. YAY. I can't wait to move baby stuff in there! They did a fantastic job! They added board and batten and some paint to the room. My husband also installed a pretty chandelier to the baby's room. Haylee's room is coming along very nicely and is better than our room. I need to think of updating our room! Our three day weekend started with a Family Fun Day at our church. We had a great time with face paint, games and hanging out with our church family/neighbors. After, Souwan finished phase one of the nursery we decided to take a day off and head to the pool. It was a beautiful day out! The water was very cool for the first day of pool season. We are 29 weeks and Haylee is the size of a pineapple. We got results back from our sugar test, but not the news ...