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kiengkham's korner: Welcome to the World Haylee!

Our baby girl was born Thursday August 6th a 11:34 pm. Our day started off at 830 am with a weekly check up at my Ob. During the check up, the doctor said I was 4 cm dialated and in labor. I was in shock. I had no idea I was having strong enough contractions. We had a scare earlier in the week, but ended being sent home because of contractions. These contractions mostly felt like cramps and did not hurt so I thought nothing of it.
 Once we checked into the hospital we got to 6 cm and they were ready to break my water. I had been managing the contractions with massages and using an exercise ball. I was on a water diet. Lunch and dinner was chicken broth and jello. I was starving. The contractions had definitely changed and got intense so I got an epidural. I'm not superwoman. Haha. After the epidural and Pitocin, I felt great. The nurses continued to monitor my blood pressure and I did get nauseated closer to the time to start pushing.
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She's Here!!! Souwan, the nurse and our doctor encouraged me and after what felt like a few pushes. She made her entrance to the world! She was quiet and after the nurses rubbed her down she let out a loud cry. When the nurse brought her over to me, I was in love and admiring her face. Souwan was cheerful and said happy birthday to our baby girl.
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After our delivery the nurse helped us to our mother room, where we would stay for two nights. The nurses and doctors checked on us every hour. We were recovering and resting now. Some of our family and friends dropped in to say hello. 

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On Saturday August 8th we got to go home from the hospital. (Heading home pic on FB) I was very emotional heading home with our new baby girl. We came home to a house full of food, family and friends. 

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Our first week home with Haylee.
She loves to eat and sleep.
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Her first outing was to her pediatrician. She is a healthy baby girl.

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The lactation nurse told us not to introduce pacifiers to her, but we totally broke that rule.
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Her first smile. She loves to smile. Look at that face!


She loves to snuggle. 

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She's getting spoiled with more toys and clothes. She hasn't reached a week old!

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She dislikes getting a diaper change.

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Mom, Dad and baby's first bath. She dislikes baths. She squirmed so much, mom and dad got wet too. 


Happy One week Haylee! She has grown so much over a week. She's changing and learning new things every minute. I'm so impressed and in love with this little one. We're not getting much rest, but when you look at her face it just makes you forget. Her sweet face and the love you feel is unmeasurable. Souwan and I are enjoying it all and we still can't believe she is ours.






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