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life lately no. 3

Hi Ya'll! This is my little corner of the world and we're happy you're here! I'll tell you what our family has been up to and give you more details than ya need. Ready?! Ok here we go!

Dragon Boat Race - We attended the Rowan County Dragon Boat Race again this year. Souwan raced with the City of Salisbury team Gigaboat. His team didn't win but they had a ton of fun! Haylee enjoyed being at the lake. Can't wait for next year!

Haylee's 2nd birthday- Haylee turned two on Aug. 6th however we threw her a spectacular 2nd birthday on the weekend before. She had a Princess Jasmine party and Princess Jasmine made an appearance! She loved having all her family and friends stop by and celebrate with her. It was a successful party. We already started planning her 3rd birthday because I spoke with Moana and she wants to make an appearance next year! LOL (Auntie Emily has a Moana costume ready for next year) Haylee will love it because she always wants to watch Mona, she means (Moana).

Haylee's 24 month check up - She did well on her growth, however she's still on the small side and we're going for a follow up in October/December. The girl eats, but she's so small hahaha. Where does it all go??? Can I get in on that? lol.

New car seat- Haylee is now front faced in the car/van!! We waited until she was two and she is loving it. We had to make a purchase for a front faced car seat after learning our car seat would not be converting to front face. I was pretty bummed as I thought it was convertible. The Diono is a great purchase if you're in the market! It is convertible!! haha! It goes from infant to ....7 YEARS OLD!! SCORE! haha. It will cost a pretty penny ($300) but I love saving money on the longer end. It is also rated very well by and has a lot of safety awards. Did I tell ya it's convertible? haha.

Ballet - Summer ballet classes wrapped up, however Haylee goes back for fall-spring classes next week. We can't wait. Haylee is eager to get back to ballet!

New Car- After our Jetta was done we purchased a Rogue SUV. After weeks of searching we finally found our 2nd vehicle (We purchased an Honda Odyssey last year and love it). The SUV is a perfect addition.

 Baby Logan's baby shower- Our friends CJ and Leann were showered by family and friends. We can't wait to meet baby Logan!

Petra's birthday - We celebrated our sweet friend Petra's birthday with some good Chinese food and a walk around the boardwalk with good boba tea. I had a blast and it's always good to spend time with her and her family!

New Camera - I guess this has been a month of "NEW" I've invested in a Nikon D700. I am really liking it so far. I am still learning how to operate it, because it's very different from my other Nikon D3100. It's a lot faster shooting and creates really pretty bright images!

Solar Eclipse - Souwan and I both got to experience it during out work day. Souwan's office had a lot of fun with their rooftop view! I watched from my desk/window. It was a fun day! Haylee was with grandma and did not get to "see" it.

Haylee - She is drinking from a cup! Her potty training is still a continuing effort with only one accident. She is doing a great job telling us when she has to go potty. I have taken on teaching her preschool. I'm giving it a try and  I enjoy it!! We've been learning about magnets, playing with blocks, finger painting, puzzles and more. She has been able to finish two puzzles! We have been reading tons of books on flowers too. Her "anxiety" with being around other people went away for one day at church haha. She decided she would hug everyone. It didn't last haha. She was back to her shy self the next Sunday.

Thanks ya'll for stopping by! In September we have our annual family vacation and it's at Disney World!!! I am excited to experience it with Haylee for the first time and hopefully we can make it an annual trip. We've been trying to do this. Also, our niece is getting married on my birthday! That will be a fun celebration for both of us. See ya'll next time!

(photos are Nikon & IPhone)

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