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kiengkham's korner: souwan's dislike of tomatoes

Souwan and I went to the Farmer's Market and watched the Market Chef. It's inspired by the food network's Iron chef and chopped. We love these shows! It was a blast watching these teams run around the market for fresh vegetables, fruits and meat to cook in a time limit. They had to be very creative and talented for this! Both teams were great making dishes from unknown ingredients.

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We went to church for dinner and to welcome our new pastor and his family to our church. I loved the tomato sandwiches, however Souwan was not a big tomato fan. I give him credit for trying something new. His tomato sandwich consisted of one piece of tomato (the size of a quarter) on his sandwich. It was great meeting the new pastor and I am excited for the new beginning. His sermon was inspiring on Sunday. Pssssst, come check us out at Coburn Memorial United Methodist church! (souwan's tomato sandwich picture credit to Dee, thanks Dee! so funny!)

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Here is our couponing this week. I was very excited for the free Sally Hansen nail polishes and paper towel. Another great deal, the Gain flings detergent for .27 cents,Yes! Before coupons $45.53 and after $11.26! Check out the rest of our haul. We're heading towards our goal for the heat pump and Disney World!

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Our garden has watermelons, cilantro, cucumbers, peppers growing. I couldn't get out of the house to take photos because of the heavy rain. Souwan planted some black eyed susan flowers too. New gladiolus and roses have bloomed. It has been pouring rain here for days now. I love the rain for our garden, however I want to get out and have a little sunshine.
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