This year was our 2nd year taking Haylee to the pumpkin patch. Last year she was just 3 months old and now 1!!! She enjoyed the patch very much this year. She could not stay still! Such a busy little girl. She ran around the pumpkin patch, tried to eat the pumpkins, and tore the leaves on the vines. We got to ride the tractor and hay ride. She was very curious about where we were going. We dressed her up as a strawberry in a patch of pumpkins, because well why not?! LOL. Take a look at our visit to the pumpkin patch:
These outfit posts were from last years' blog posts. You maybe wondering why? I have been consuming soup and cough drops for the past 5 days-I have been sick with a cold. Instead I have a flashback of my look from fall last year. I'm looking forward to showing you all new looks and innovating new with old pieces from my closet.
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