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Life Lately...

It's been a long time since I posted a personal blog post! I have been putting this blog post off. Life lately ... has been busy. No surprise right?! So here is what we have been up to... family visits, holidays, photo sessions, business trips, gardening, birthday parties, spending more cuddly time with Haylee and vacation trips! If you're following on social media you have seen it! haha! We haven't really had downtime and time for me to post a personal blog on here. I'll have to do a part 2 with Mother's day photos. I am also going to post the Cheerwine festival blog soon! Make sure you follow our family Instagram and facebook page Kiengkham Family Adventures for daily pics and videos!

Some highlights:

- We celebrated our Thai/Lao New Year & Easter with our family from NC & AL!!!
- I had a Prom & Grad photo session! Ya'll should take a look! So freaking amazing!
- I went to NYC for a women's conference. It was for a night, but I learned so much! I want to go back and do more touristy things because I didn't get to do all that!! My social media lacked some good city photos.
- Souwan is playing kickball this season and they won their first game! I can't wait to go cheer him again.
- Haylee is growing so fast! I mean seriously!!! We're enjoying this season so much. She's now dressing herself, feeding herself, singing, using the big girl potty!!!
- She's also talking so much! She can count to 3, She can say ABC, she says Bless you, Thank you, Please ( I have 2 funny stories...), Awesome sauce (that one cracks me up), I want money (oh boy!), she calls Grandma, Gamma, she knows the sounds the barn animals make, she knows her body parts from stomach to her fingers!
- My funny stories with her talking...(I wish I could record everything she says) 1st story - We were in the restaurant and she wanted the waitress's name tag and Haylee asked her for her name tag and said please. The waitress gave her the name tag because she asked politely LOL! 2nd story - We were at church and they asked if there were any more announcements and Haylee responded NOOO! LOL! I guess she was ready to hear the sermon LOL! I am loving these moments. I wish I could record it all.
- We spent sometime on vacation. We went to the pool and art museums! I loved being able to teach Haylee to swim with her floaties. She loves the water!

Coming up -

I'll try to post a part 2 and more personal blog posts in the next coming months. Trust me, it's on my daily goals! We have some fun summer plans. Haylee starts art classes in June! We hope to sign her up for Summer dance classes. I have been looking into it so lets hope it works out. If not maybe next year?! We're going to the zoo! At the end of summer with friend's visiting and we're planning a trip to Disney/Universal in Florida! Soon it will be Haylee's 2nd birthday!

Take a look at all the photos below!

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