I finally had a moment to sit down and post this. I've collected a lot of photos from our park outings and i'm going to put them all here for ya'll. Haha! Sorry! Our little family goes to the park almost every other weekend. We're there or at the library! I love taking Haylee to the park because she gets to explore more than just the four walls of our home and grandma's home. She is using all of her sensory skills!! This girl loves the swing, drums, and bubbles at the park. I'm not sure she is a fan of the small zoo creatures and train at Dan Nick park yet. She also gets a chance to interact with some other kids, which is really hard for her because she doesn't stay in a daycare. Take a look at the photos & like this post if you want to see more of her adventures!
These outfit posts were from last years' blog posts. You maybe wondering why? I have been consuming soup and cough drops for the past 5 days-I have been sick with a cold. Instead I have a flashback of my look from fall last year. I'm looking forward to showing you all new looks and innovating new with old pieces from my closet.
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